Coronavirus Upate 2021

We will be updating Ride of the Ruperts and Oh the Rupettes Ride 2021 as soon as we can.

Sadly, in light of official UK Government advice concerning non-essential contact with others to curb coronavirus, a decision has to be made to postpone the Ride of the Ruperts Sussex and Ride of the Ruperts London until Sunday 26th Sept 2021. It follows that Oh the Rupettes Ride will also be postponed until Sunday 11th July 2021.

The safety and well being of our participants will always be our highest priority and therefore it is our civic duty to act in everyone’s best interests, despite the obvious disappointment this news will bring.

Anyone who has already registered for either the RotR Sussex, RotR London or Oh the Rupettes Ride will be entitled to ride in the same event next year without making any further charitable donations and we truly hope to see you there supporting our cause as we go forward into the future.

Thank you for your kind understanding and we wish you and your families well.

Stefano Morrelli
Founder RotR (and Organiser Sussex)

Alex Richards
Organiser RotR London.

Mandi Gaymer
Lead Rider OtRR.

For further Coronavirus advice and information please see the NHS guidelines on the link below.

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