Hi [field id=”name”]
I say! What absolutely terrific news to hear that you’ll be joining us on our marvellous celebration of women on two wheels.
Our sincere thanks for the very kind donation you have just made. By donating I can confirm that you are now registered to ride in absolute style on “Oh the Rupettes Ride…” on Sunday 14th June 2020. A dapper dress code is most definitely the order of the day, as this is what makes us stand out from the crowd and raises awareness of our charitable cause with the general public, with whom we will be interacting. So please ensure you dress to impress.
The Ride of the Ruperts has a Facebook and an Instagram page where occasional inspiration is published when we remember to do so! So, if one partakes of the social media beast then please ensure that you ‘like’, ‘follow’ and ‘share’ all things RotR. We are very small and by doing so helps us spread the word for free, raise the profile of this and other wonderful events and more money for a truly magnificent cause.
Finally, fret not, because all the important details concerning your attendance on “Oh the Rupettes Ride” will be sent to you via email nearer to the actual day of the ride. So please make sure you add our email address to your safe list so that we don’t end up in your spam box.
Kind regards
Stefano Morrelli, Founder RotR & Mandi Gaymer, Ride Leader.